1) "Bad mood pill – who will not benefit from antidepressants" report at the XVIII "Healthy Moscow" Assembly, January 19, 2020, VDNKh, Moscow
2) "The role and place of mindfulness techniques in the cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the roundtable expert's discussion "Self-regulation and mindfulness practices", October 26, 2019, Kazan
3) "Problem patient at the cosmetologist's appointment. Effective communication skills" master class at the VII international live surgery course "Advanced aesthetic rhinoplasty and facial countering. 2019", October 25, 2019, Saint Petersburg
4) "Schema-therapy. Practical aspects of application" report at the regional scientific-practical conference in the Northwestern Federal District "Innovations in diagnostic and treatment of mental and narcological disorders: multidisciplinary approach", May 30-31, 2019, Saint Petersburg
5) "Usage of experiential techniques in the cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the Ural summer school of the Association of Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapists, June 13-16, 2019, Starosubkhangulovo Bashkortostan.
6) "Adverse childhood experience and the emotional footprint. Schema-therapy capabilities" report at the psychology and sexology department of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov symposium "Resilience and vulnerability conceptions in psychotherapy", April 5, 2019, Saint Petersburg
7) "Schema-therapy" master class at the Winter Psychological School of SPbU, February 3-8, 2019, Saint Petersburg
8) "Dysfunctional schemas and early traumatic experience in schizophrenic spectrum patients" report at the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation "Topical issues of Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapy", April 19-20, 2018 MSU, Moscow
9) "Psychotherapy for schizophrenia: new tendencies in cognitive-behavioural method" report at the All-Russian congress with international participation "National psychotherapy and psychology: establishment, experience and development potential", March 30, 2018, Saint Petersburg
10) "Schema-therapy for borderline personality disorder and self-harm" plenary report at the "Suicide and self-harm prevention: modern methods of risk and help assessment" conference, October 13-15, 2017, Moscow
11) "Traditional and modified cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy techniques for paranoidal delusion" plenary report at the 4th International scientific-practical conference "Medical (clinical) psychology: Historical traditions and modern practice", October 12-14, 2017, Saint Petersburg
12) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in general practice" report at the scientific conference devoted to a 180th anniversary of the Department of Faculty Therapy of the S. M. Kirov Medical Academy "Department of Faculty Therapy: Preserving traditions of Botkin School", October 28, 2016, Saint Petersburg
13) "Mindfulness techniques for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders" report at the 2nd scientific-practical conference "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, evidence-based medicine, psychiatry – common path", October 7, 2016, Saint Petersburg
14) "Modern tendencies in the development of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the 2nd scientific-practical conference "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, evidence-based medicine, psychiatry – common path", October 7, 2016, Saint Petersburg
15) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for addictions and mindfulness techniques" at the "Horizons of psychology" conference of the Saint Petersburg psychology week, April 24, 2016, Saint Petersburg
16) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for paranoid delusion" at the "Topical issues of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" conference of A. I. Evdokimov MSMSU, April 7, 2016, Moscow
17) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for schizophrenia" webinar within the framework of the project "Consilium Medicum", April 7, 2016, Moscow
18) "Modern treatment approaches of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders" webinar of educational project INVITRO at the 1st Medical Channel, April 7, 2016, Moscow
19) "What is the evidence for effectiveness of your method?" report at the Department of Psychotherapy and Sexology of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov Symposium "Psychotherapy: free artists and robotic protocols. Where are we?", March 25, 2016, Saint Petersburg
20) "The legacy of B. D. Karvasarsky and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the scientific-practical conference with international participation "Science and practice of Russian psychotherapy and psychiatry: achievements and development perspective", 4th Congress of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association, February 506, 2016, Saint Petersburg
21) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy: current exploring and practice" report at the Winter Psychological School of SPbU, February 3, 2016, Saint Petersburg
22) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for non-chemical addictions" report at the I International Congress of the Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy Association, May 15-17, 2015, Saint Petersburg
23) "Use of modern technologies in Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the I International Congress of the Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy Association, May 15-17, 2015, Saint Petersburg
24) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for non-chemical addictions" report at the 7th scientific-practical conference "Topical issues of neurology" with "Illnesses of old age" symposium, April 15, 2015, Saint Petersburg
25) "Paradigm conflict in psychotherapy or battle for place in the sun" of the symposium of the psychology and sexology department of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov symposium "Modern psychotherapy methods: Directions of psychotherapy. Is there conflict of interests?", March 26, 2015, Saint Petersburg
26) "Modern technologies and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the V International Congress of Practical Psychologists and psychotherapists "Psychology and psychotherapy in the age of global challenges", March 20-21, 2015, Saint Petersburg
27) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for alcohol addiction" report at the Open Interactive online lecture of the Internist.ru and Russian Psychiatrists Society project, December 25, 2014
28) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy and crisis" at the "Personal, social, international crises and their consequences: adaptation disorders, depression, phobias" conference, December 4, 2014, Saint Petersburg
29) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for psychosomatics" online lecture at the Internist.ru and Russian Psychiatrists Society project, October 30, 2014
30) "Characteristics of the usage of Skype – technologies in counselling while conducting Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" report at the VII city scientific-practical conference with international participation "Psychiatry and narcology in the XXI century", June 10, 2014, Saint Petersburg
31) "Psychotherapeutic approach for treatment of a smoking patient" report at the conference for health workers of the adult network devoted to the World No Tobacco Day, May 27, 2014, Saint Petersburg
32) "Personalised drug treatment for endogenous mental disorders" report at the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation "A Multidisciplinary approach for understanding and treatment mental disorders: myth or reality?", May 14-17, 2014, Saint Petersburg
33) "Psychotherapeutic aspects in pain management" report at the VI Scientific-Practical Conference "Topical issues of neurology" with "Neurometabolic diseases" symposium, April 16, 2014, NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg
34) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for depression in recent days" report at the All-Russian symposium "Modern psychotherapy methods", March 27, 2014, Department of psychotherapy of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg
35) "Classification and modern scientific tasks of psychiatry" report at the scientific-practical conference "International classification of mental disorders: from ICD-10 to ICD-11", February 26-27, 2014, Moscow
36) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for depressive disorders treatment" report at the scientific-practical conference of young scientists within the "Bekhterev's readings. Psychotherapy today (from science to practice)" cycle, February 18, 2014, Saint Petersburg
37) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for alcoholism" report at the 6th scientific-practical conference "Psychiatry and narcology in the XXI century", psychotherapy and rehabilitation issues, December 19, 2013, Saint Petersburg
38) "Nicotine addiction. Relapse management tactics" report at the conference for health workers of the adult network devoted to the World No Tobacco Day, November 13, 2013, City center for medical prevention (Italianskaya 13), Saint Petersburg
39) "The Role of the holistic diagnostic approach in the implementation of personalised therapy for mentally ill patients" report at the "Mental health in Germany and Russia: Clinical and research initiative" congress, October 18, 2013, Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute, Saint Petersburg
40) "Opportunities and prospects of usage of Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for patients with endogenous mental disorders treatment" report at the scientific-practical conference "Psychotherapy and psychosocial work in psychiatry", October 2, 2013, Saint Petersburg
41) "The value of psychotherapy in the system of personalized rehabilitation program for mentally ill patients" report at the scientific-practical conference with international participation "Topical issues of modern psychiatry", September 13, 2013, Saint Petersburg
42) "Usage of printed matter in rehabilitation" report at the scientific-practical conference with international participation "Rehabilitation and destigmatization in psychiatry", June 4-5, 2013, Saint Petersburg
43) "Modern approaches for depression treatment" report at the 5th scientific-practical conference with satellite symposium "Neurometabolic diseases" and "Orthotics in comprehensive stroke rehabilitation", April 24, 2013, Saint Petersburg
44) "New or well forgotten old in psychotherapy" report at the All-Russian symposium "Modern psychotherapy methods", March 29, 2013, Department of psychotherapy of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg
45) "Nicotine addiction course and treatment characteristics in patients suffering from endogenous mental disorders" and "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for addictions" reports at the scientific-practical conference "The world of addictions. Chemical and non-chemical addictions, associative personality disorders", November 29-30, 2012, Saint Petersburg
46) "Myths and reality of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy" and "Critical life events and work with them in a cognitive-behavioural direction" reports at the "cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy yesterday, today, tomorrow" conference, October 5-7, 2012, Saint Petersburg
47) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for addictions" report at the 4th scientific-practical conference with satellite symposium "Neuroprotection for diseases of the central neuros system", April 11, 2012, Saint Petersburg
48) "Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for mental disorders" report at the scientific-practical conference of young scientists devoted to 150th anniversary of the birth of V. M. Bekhterev, March 30, 2012, Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute, Saint Petersburg
49) "Favorite fairy tale as projective technique at the diagnostic stage of psychotherapy" report at the All-Russian "Modern psychotherapy methods" symposium, March 29, 2012, Department of psychotherapy of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg
50) "Psychotherapy and challenge of the time" report at the All-Russian "Modern psychotherapy methods" symposium, March 29, 2012, Department of psychotherapy of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg.