for clients

I help in solving a wide range of psychological problems: from depressed mood and anxiety to difficulties in interpersonal relationship, failures in sexual sphere, emotional difficulties, psychological problems as a result of bullying, sexual and physical violence, non-chemical addictions.
In person
Individual counselling
During the individual session (it lasts for one hour usually) together with client we identify difficulties formulate the request for psychological counselling and define the plan for the upcoming work.

I have to say that in some kind of situations (if I see that a person needs medical treatment, examination for differential diagnostics or monitoring from a specialist of somatic profile) then I work together with colleagues or reroute a person to a relevant profile specialist. Usually we decide it on our first session.
Counselling for couples
Counselling a couple or a family is a complex and delicate process. In order for it to be successful there should be intention for self-change, not just willing to change the partner.

Frequently at the beginning of work the non-constructive approaches to problem-solving prevail in family: assaulting behavior, distancing from each other, devaluation or sarcasm. During the process of psychological counselling I do my best to recognize the contradictions in a couple and to help people see them and embark on the path of changes, which might be challenging, but necessary for further development of the relationship.
Group counselling
Many different problems might be solved effectively in conditions of psychological group: such as social anxiety and interpersonal problems in general.
The variety of different group formats is high: from psycho-educational to purely cognitive-behavioral.

Schedule an appointment for psychological counselling

You can schedule an appointment with me at the website of "Qualitasvita" — psychological centre, where I figure as head and as a specialist.
I am trying to be as honest as I can with people who put their trust to me when seeking for counselling. I expect the same honesty from my clients.

Milestones of psychological counselling

Identification of the problem or diagnostic phase
During the first session it is important to clarify the clients request and if the problem might be solved by psychological counselling or not. The final goal and the plan of psychological counselling are being formulated according to the client's request. The criteria of the result are being developed. Usually the first phase takes from one to two sessions.
Main stage of psychological counselling
The main work is being performed in collaborating style during this stage. The client gradually learns to be more "psychotherapeutic" towards himself, learns to solve psychological problems and acquires new skills. The result achievement happens on this stage. It's duration varies, but often stays within 10-15 sessions with one week gap in between. The psychologist and the client estimate the changes together.
Consolidation of achievements or supporting period
The client makes a decision – if he needs a supporting period or he wishes to stop the process. Typically, the sessions are rare on this stage (usually once per month, but might be a bit more often or rare).


© 2020 Alexander Erichev
Remember! There are no desperate situations.
Site development: Anastasia Bogdanova


© 2020 Alexander Erichev
Remember! There are no desperate situations.
Site development: Anastasia Bogdanova